Beyond Fractional Ownership & Investing: How Etherland is Transforming Tokenization for Real EstateUnlike the previous crypto bull run, where NFTs were all the talk of the town, the current crypto bull run has seen a massive paradigm…Jun 26, 2024Jun 26, 2024
Published inCoinmonksThe What, Why & How of Real-World Assets & Tokenization!Unlike the previous crypto bull run, where NFTs were all the talk of the town, this bull run has seen a massive paradigm shift.Jun 22, 2024Jun 22, 2024
I Wrote This Article Using ChatGPT — Can It Replace Me?This is less an article and more of a curious exercise on my end to see the capability of ChatGPT. While I have dabbled around with it a…Dec 14, 2022Dec 14, 2022
Published inRoot JournalMusic, Metalabels and The Creator EconomyCollectives of artists building and supporting each other forming ‘Metalabels’ have shown themselves to be the new kind of labels.Sep 29, 2022Sep 29, 2022
Published inTDS ArchiveWord Sense Disambiguation for Hindi & Python’s hindiwsd libraryWith all the advancements that have been made thus far in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Linguistics, you’d think…Aug 16, 20221Aug 16, 20221
Published inCoinmonksEvaluating Web3 Projects- A Deep DiveWeb3, web3, web3! It’s in the news, it’s on the tongues of your local politicians, it’s on every boardroom meeting’s agenda, it’s…May 1, 2022May 1, 2022
From Web2 to Web3 in India — Chingari & GARI Panda NFTs, a Deep Dive!In the last couple of years, the crypto space has slowly but surely, started catching the attention of everyone around. Right from…Apr 4, 2022Apr 4, 2022
Published inCryptoStarsThe Golden Age of Art — NFTs, a Renaissance, and the Barter System?This piece is unlike anything I’ve ever written before. As I sit to write this, my mind is frantically darting around, unable to stay…Jan 30, 2022Jan 30, 2022
Understanding NFTs through a TweetThere’s been a lot of chatter recently around NFTs. So, I did the most obvious thing (apart from Google search), I searched for it on…Oct 7, 20211Oct 7, 20211
Published inTDS ArchiveAn Introduction to Machine Learning Engineering for Production/MLOps — Phases in MLOpsA discussion on the phases in production of a machine learning model- namely scoping, data, modeling, and deployment.Jul 5, 2021Jul 5, 2021